- BOTANICAL NAME Castanea sativa, Mill
- OTHER NAMES Abeto plateado, abeto común
- FAMILY Fagáceas
- DESCRIPTION OF WOOD – Sapwood: Yellowish white, with time acquires a tone of old gold – Heartwood: Brown to brown salmon – Fiber: Straight – Grain: Means
Characteristics and mechanical behavior
Apparent density to 12% degrees of humidity: 590 kg/m3. It is an SOFTWOOD.
- Sawing Good
- Toothbrushing Good
- Screwed Good
- Molded Moderate
- Turning Good
- Scratched Does not support either
- Stability Stable
- Polishing Good
- Coating Good. We recommended the use of sealer sometimes
- Glued Good. We recommend using glue acids do not affect the wood
Main uses and applications
- Interior joinery arm
- Plywood
- Interior joinery coatings, friezes
- Fences
- Moldings
- Skirting
- Decorative plates
- Musical instruments
- Packaging