- BOTANICAL NAME Erythopleum Utile Sprague e Suaveolensis Brenan
- FAMILY Legumes
- DESCRIPTION OF WOOD – Sapwood: Yellowish white to white pink – Heartwood: Yellowish brown to reddish brown – Fiber: Straight, often intertwined or very intertwined – Grain: Thick and coarse
Characteristics and mechanical behavior
Apparent density to 12% degrees of humidity: 920 kg/m3. It is an HARDWOOD.
Has a coefficient of volume contraction of 0.52% which makes you nervous to be considered timber very nervous. It is very hard and very resistant to fungi, termites and xylophagous.
- Sawing Complicated, requires powerful teams and special saws
- Toothbrushing Complicated, we recommended an angle less than 15º
- Screwed Complicated, pre-drilling necessary
- Molded Complicated
- Turning Complicated
- Scratched Very resistant
- Polishing Good
- Coating Good. Requires treatment with sealer
- Glued Complicated
Main uses and applications
- Furniture
- Carpentry exterior
- Carpentry interior: doors, staircases, cladding, moldings, skirting, friezes, stage carpentry and all kinds of arm
- Carpentry arm
- Parquets and pallets