- BOTANICAL NAME Eucaliptus globulus Labill
- OTHER NAMES Eucalyptus white
- GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN Spread around the world
- FAMILY Myrtaceae
- DESCRIPTION OF WOOD – Sapwood: Yellowish white to white pink – Heartwood: Yellowish brown to reddish brown – Fiber: Straight, often intertwined or very interlaced – Grain: Coarse
Characteristics and mechanical behavior
Apparent density to 12% degrees of humidity: 740 kg/m3.
He is considered a timber nervous, with low stability. It is a wood semi-and low resistance to fungi and termites attacking wood.
- Sawing Complicated
- Toothbrushing Complicated, recommended angle between 15º and 20º
- Screwed Complicated, you must drill
- Molded Complicated
- Turning Complicated
- Polishing Good
- Coating Good
- Glued Good
Main uses and applications
- Soils (pallets, parquets, marbles)
- Plywood and chipboard
- Structures
- Building
- Pallets
- Pulp
- Formwork
- Sleepers
- Rafts for mussel
- Horticultural packaging