- BOTANICAL NAME Hymenaea courbaril
- OTHER NAMES Courbaril
- GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN South America, Antillas and Carribean
- FAMILY Legumes
- DESCRIPTION OF WOOD – Sapwood: White pink – Heartwood: Pinkish brown to reddish brown – Fiber: Straight, sometimes slightly interwoven – Grain: Fine to half
Characteristics and mechanical behavior
Apparent density to 12% degrees of humidity: 850 kg/m3. It is a SEMI-HARDWOOD.
Very hard and stable, it presents a good resistance to fungi, xylophagous and termites. It presents some problems for gluing, as the tannins hinder a good bond. In its severity, one must drill before nailing or screwing. Bark with medicinal properties (astringent, stomach, balsamic, tonic). It produces a natural coating over a crystal clear resin called “American Copal”.
- Sawing Well, although it requires powerful teams
- Screwed Difficult, must be drilled before
- Toothbrushing Difficult
- Molded Difficult
- Turning Good
- Polishing Good
- Coating Good
- Glued Good
- Scratched Resistant
- Preparation of thin plates Very used
Main uses and applications
- Soils and dais
- Furniture
- Joinery
- Staircases
- Cut and sculptures
- Inner carpentry (doors, staircases, coatings, moldings, skirting, friezes)
- Exterior carpentry (doors and windows)
- Arches of musical instruments
- Fine decorative plates