- BOTANICAL NAME Bagassa guianensis Aubl., B. Tiliaefolia R. Ben.
- OTHER NAMES Amarelinho
- GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN Amazon Basin and Guianas
- FAMILY Moraceae
- DESCRIPTION OF WOOD – Sapwood: Creamy white – Heartwood: Turns yellow to dark brown with light – Fiber: Straight, with frequency interwoven – Grain: Medium to coarse
Characteristics and mechanical behavior
Apparent density to 12% degrees of humidity: 795 kg/m3. It is an HARDWOOD.
It is considered hard wood and estable to changes in the degree of humidity. The natural durability is very high, is very resistant to fungi and termites attacking wood. Precisely because of its hardness, it is recommended drills before nailing or screwing.
- Sawing Good
- Screwed Preferably before drilling
- Toothbrushing Regulate, recommended an angle of attack of 15º to 20º
- Molded Difficult when you have interlaced fiber and repels
- Turning Good
- Polishing Good
- Coating Good
- Glued Good, but sometimes you need sealer
Main uses and applications
- Indoor and outdoor fine woodwork
- Furniture turning
- Interior carpentry: doors, staircases, cladding, moldings, skirting, friezes.
- Outdoor Carpentry: doors and windows.
- Carpentry to arm
- Soils, parquets, platforms, friezes
- Shipbuilding
- Urban furniture