- BOTANICAL NAME Clorophora excelsa Benth & Hoof, Clorophora regia A. Chev
- OTHER NAMES Teca African
- GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN Central Africa, Occidental and Oriental
- FAMILY Moráceas
- DESCRIPTION OF WOOD – Sapwood: Yellowish white – Heartwood: Yellowish brown which makes a reddish brown with light – Fiber: Straight, with frequency slightly interwoven – Grain: Means to suffice
Characteristics and mechanical behavior
Apparent density to 12% degrees of humidity: 650 kg/m3. It is an HARDWOOD.
Is considered a wood estable with a 0,36% of coefficient of contracción volumétrico, and without trend to atejar or abarquillarse. It goes through to be a wood semidura and very durable in front of the attack of funguses, termitas, etc…
- Sawed Regular in the case that this calcareous deposits or fiber-crossed
- Screwed Good
- Toothbrushing Regulate, angle recommended of 15º
- Molded Good
- Turning Good
- Polishing Fair to good
- Coating Good
- Glued Good
Main uses and applications
- Parquets and dais
- Outdoor furniture: parks, gardens and another urban furniture.
- Carpentry of inner: doors, staircases, coatings, moldings, skirting, friezes, dais
- Carpentry of exterior
- Carpentry to arm, generally. It does not present excessive problems to the mechanization
- Naval building